TTYL Everybody off to more searches online and to ALLCON later with my CDF group. Pep Files- Iron Man Mk3 (Movie Accurate)-Done by Belacor Cylon Helmet,Neck and Backpack-Done by Bazookajo All Halo Stuff-405th Stormtrooper Helmet-No idea who did this onejust found it in the pepakura site Darth Vader Helmet-that would be me and finally in closing I have all of the SW ships and vehicles that can be made of paper including the original death star. The templates are in PDF files for letter paper size at 100 for adult or check the table for other head sizes. But here is the current list of pepakura files I have.Most of them will fit a full sized person some you may have to re-size it to fit you.You have to have Pepakura Viewer to open,view and print the files, and if it does'nt fit you will have to use Pepakura Designer to re-size it.On the pep viewer on the bottom of the viewer window it will say how large it is and then you can choose to re-size it.But anyway here is the list of files that I have just send a e-mail to me at and let me know what you want. This is an original design inspired on Star Wars. Some of these files I have are mine and some are files that I have found or bought. Hey there guys, I have been all across the internet and back and have come across some intresting things.